Block patterns in Qtandard

Block Patterns are like a secret toolbox for your Qtandard site, offering pre-designed block combinations that you can easily adjust to showcase your content. They’re a brilliant shortcut for speeding up content creation and a fantastic method for discovering how various blocks can be combined for impressive effects.

Qtandard has curated a special collection of these patterns, inspired by the breathtaking designs featured on our showcase page. Dive in and transform your pages with a Block Pattern that speaks to your style!

How to find block patterns

  1. Tap the ‘+’ icon at the top of your WordPress Block Editor to begin.
  2. Hit the Patterns tab or the Synced Patterns tab to explore your choices.
  3. In the Patterns tab, you can filter by category with the dropdown or hit ‘Explore All Patterns’ for a fullscreen preview of each pattern.
  4. To add a pattern to your page, either click on it or drag and drop it to your desired location. Clicking will insert it at your cursor’s current position.