
Headings guide readers through new sections and help organize content. They make your site easier to read for both people and search engines.

How to add a heading block

  1. Using the block Inserter: Click the ‘+’ icon to find and insert a Heading block.
  2. Quick add: Type /heading in a new paragraph block and hit enter. For specific levels, use /h1, /h2, up to /h6.
  3. Markdown shortcuts: Typing ## followed by a space starts an H2 heading. Add more # for lower levels, like ### for H3.

đź’ˇ Remember

Your page title is automatically <h1>, so start your content with H2 headings or lower.

Block toolbar

Each heading block has its own toolbar for easy adjustments.

Transform to

The ‘Transform to’ button lets you change a heading into other things like paragraphs, lists, or quotes easily. This button changes how your text looks so you can make your writing look just right with a simple click.

Drag & Move

Use the six-dot icon to drag your block, or the up and down arrow buttons let you move a block one position higher or lower.


The ‘Alignment’ tool lets you adjust the width of your heading in the heading block. Just click the icon, and a menu will pop up with options. You can align your heading to none, max1200px wide, or full width. This helps you make your heading look just the way you want with ease.

Text alignment

The ‘Text alignment’ tool lets you adjust how your text lines up in the Heading block. Just click the icon, and a menu will pop up with options. You can line up your text on the left, put it in the center, or move it to the right. This helps you make your text look just the way you want with ease.

Change heading level

Easily switch between H1 to H6 levels.

Bold and Italics

The Bold and Italics options are used to customize the text in the Heading block. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to enable these text formatting.

  • Ctrl + B or Command + B to bold the text.
  • Ctrl + I or Command + I to italicize the text.

However, since the heading block is automatically bolded, you don’t have to manually set the bold option.

The Insert links tool lets you add a hyperlink to the selected text.

More rich text options

The drop-down menu to the left of the More options menu contains a range of additional rich text editing options such as highlighting, inline code, strikethrough, and more.

More Options

The More Options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML.

Block settings

Here are the sidebar settings for more customization.


The ‘Color’ option enables you to customize your block by selecting unique colors for the text in your heading block.


The ‘Typography’ option allows you to adjust the font size within your heading block.


The heading block provides dimension settings options to add padding and margin.


Add HTML anchors or CSS classes for unique styles or navigation. The HTML anchor settings allow you to create a unique anchor text for the block, enabling you to link it to another web page.

Additional resources