How to add administrators

What’s the Invite feature all about?

Ever thought about teaming up to make your website even more awesome? The ‘Invite’ feature in your Dashboard under My Page is like your digital high-five 🙌 It lets you bring another Qtandard user on board as an admin to co-manage the site. Let’s break it down.

  • Log in and go to ‘My Page’ and then find ‘Sites’.
  • Look for the ‘Admin↗’ button next to the site where you want to add another admin.
  • Cruise on over to ‘Users’ > ‘Add New User’.
  • Type in the email address of your future admin buddy, and they’ll snag an email to confirm their new role.

💣 Note

Choose wisely – you’re giving them the digital keys to your castle! 🏰 And don’t sweat the small stuff, because there’s no max limit on how many admins you can have. The more brainpower, the better!

Important note

Make sure the email address you’re inviting is already registered with Qtandard. Only existing Qtandard users can become administrators of your Qtandard website. This rule ensures that only verified users have access to manage your site. By keeping admin roles within the Qtandard community, we help safeguard your site’s integrity and your peace of mind.

Roles and capabilities

Qtandard uses a concept of Roles in the dashboard, designed to give the site owner the ability to control what users can and cannot do within the site. A site owner can manage user access to tasks such as writing and editing posts, creating pages, creating categories, moderating comments, and managing other users by assigning a specific role to each of the users.

Qtandard offers five pre-defined roles:

  • Administrator: The highest level of permission. Administrators have access to almost anything.
  • Editor: All posts, pages, comments, categories, tags are accessible, and media can be uploaded.
  • Author: Able to create, upload, edit, and post their own posts.
  • Contributor: Can create and edit their own posts until they are published but cannot post or upload.
  • Subscriber: Able to subscribe to a site using an email address. They must be users of Qtandard.

The Administrator role allows a user to perform all possible capabilities. Each of the other roles has a decreasing number of allowed capabilities. For instance, the Subscriber role has just the “read” capability. Roles define the user’s responsibilities within the site rather than indicating seniority.

By understanding and utilizing these roles, you can effectively manage your team and maintain control over your website’s content and functionality.

Additional resources