
Creating lists is a fundamental part of crafting content, and the List Block makes this task both easy and flexible. Whether you need bullet points or numbers, this block has you covered.

How to add a list block

  1. Quick start: Click the +’ button to open the block library and choose the List Block. (Video/Screenshot Placeholder)
  2. Speedy shortcut: Type /list in a new paragraph block and press enter to instantly add it. (Video/Screenshot Placeholder)

Block toolbar

Each item in your list is its own mini-block, allowing for individual adjustments and reordering. Access these features through the List View for an overview.

Ordered list settings

When you click on a list block to select a parent block, you can change the list settings such as the starting number or reverse the order of your numbered list.

Transform to

With the parent block selected, you can use the ‘Transform to’ button to change your list into a paragraph, heading, and more, or even unwrap it into separate blocks.

Drag & Move

Use the six-dot icon to drag your heading, or the up and down arrow buttons let you move a block one position higher or lower.


The up and down arrow buttons let you move a block one position higher or lower.

Bold and Italics

The Bold and Italics options are used to customize the text in the List block. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to enable these text formatting:

  • Ctrl + B or Command + B to bold the text.
  • Ctrl + I or Command + I to italicize the text.

The Insert links tool lets you add a hyperlink to the selected text.

More rich text options

The drop-down menu to the left of the More options menu contains a range of additional rich text editing options such as highlighting, inline code, strikethrough, and more.

More Options

The More options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML.

Block settings

Here are the sidebar settings for more customization.


The ‘Color’ option enables you to customize your block by selecting unique colors for the text in your list block.


The ‘Typography’ option allows you to adjust the font size within your list block.


The list block provides dimension settings options to add padding and margin.


Add HTML anchors or CSS classes for unique styles or navigation. The HTML anchor settings allow you to create a unique anchor text for the block, enabling you to link it to another web page.

Additional resources