Updating account information

Managing and updating your account information on Qtandard is a seamless process, ensuring that your profile remains up-to-date and secure. Here are the steps to guide you through the process:

Using WordPress administrator

  1. Access admin panel: Log into your Qtandard account and access the admin panel.
  2. Navigate to ‘Users’: From the admin dashboard, go to the ‘Users’ menu.
  3. Select ‘User’: In the ‘Users’ section, locate and select the username you want to edit.
  4. Edit details: You can now change details such as your nickname and email address. It’s a good practice to keep your email address current.
  5. Set new password: For enhanced security, you also have the option to update your password.

Through ‘My Page’

  1. Access My Page
  2. Go to ‘My Page’ and then to ‘Account’.
  3. Editing option: Click the ‘Edit’ button. This action will redirect you to the user editing page within the admin panel.
  4. Remember to save: After making your changes, ensure you save them to update your account information effectively. Keeping your account details accurate and secure is vital for a smooth Qtandard experience.